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Klangbad Instrumente

Sound Bath Instruments

„if you’re focused on figuring out the source of the sounds during the Sound Bath, you won’t get the full benefits of the experience itself. Rather than play detective, it’s more productive to let yourself drift on the sounds, listening deeply without trying to imagine what sort of instrument might be making a particular sound. If the purpose of the Sound Bath is to shift perception and consciousness, and a participant is thinking “must categorize and label the sounds,” then their consciousness and focus won’t go beyond that place of needing to name and decide.“

„What follows is the name of a few select instruments I use, with some context around each—from their country or culture of origin to what makes them special.

Singing bowls. “Tibetan singing bowl” has become a generic term, but “Himalayan singing bowl” or “metal singing bowl” are more accurate. Some of these bowls come from Tibet, yes, but others come from China, Japan, or India. The countries of this region all have mountains that contain metal, and artisans who practiced metallurgy over the centuries. From country to country, singing bowls will look and sound slightly different.“

„Crystal singing bowls. We have a natural affinity to quartz due to the composition of the human body. We are made of many crystalline substances: our bones, blood, and DNA are crystalline in struc„ture, as well as the liquid crystal-colloidal structure of our brain.“

„A common misconception is that quartz crystal bowls are made from precious crystals that are crushed, or even one very large crystal that has been carved down. In reality, quartz crystal bowls are made from silica sand, which is naturally occurring broken-down quartz—usually the product of erosion from water, wind, or other natural elements. The silica sand is fused into a bowl shape at extremely high temperatures.“


„Gongs. You know what a gong is, right? A metal disc—small, large, or in between—that when struck produces a long and resonant sound. Gongs are percussion instruments, round plates usually made of brass, bronze, or a mix of multiple metals, and avail„ble in sizes from small (think desktop) to large (as big as a truck). Bronze itself is an amalgamation of tin and copper, and when you think of a gong as a giant, shallow singing bowl, it makes sense that this instrument would have similar sonic properties to that of a metal singing bowl. As such, gongs have definite or indefinite pitch, depending on their composition.

The gong is a powerful and transformational instrument that has been used for ritual, ceremony, prayer, and meditation since the Bronze Age. Its sound is relaxing and calming, centering and energizing, transforming and healing. The gong resonates in all the cells of the body simultaneously and can be useful in resolving emotional and physical dissonance.“

Chimes and Bells

„are all excellent and effective tools in sound healing and sound therapy. The clarity of a bell creates a sharp, clear, and often rich sound that invites immediate focus and clearing of the mind. It allows for the practitioner to easily drop into deep stillness, restfulness, and relaxation.“

„The soft, comforting sound of Koshi wind chimes, handmade in the South of France, is harmonically tuned to the elements (earth, air, fire, water; or terra, aria, ignis, and aqua).“

„Drums. The frame drum or shamanic drum is considered to be a sacred instrument used to communicate with spirits in ceremonies around the world. The steady beat of the drum is intended to connect to your heartbeat and the pulse of Earth. There is some science behind this age-old tradition. “

„Rattles. Rattles are one of the most ancient musical instruments and occur naturally in such forms as dried gourds and seed pods. They are used in nearly all cultures, including in shamanic ceremonies to call in spirits or break up “stuck” energy. Shamans and students of shamanism also use rattles for healing and journey work to help the healer go into a trance and connect with the spirit world, where they are guided or given advice on what to do to help those in need. Of course, rattles are also great rhythm instruments.“

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